Our Terms and Conditions outline our agreement with you, on behalf of Play Music and its teachers. They explain our policies and the responsibilities of our relationship, including frequently asked questions around cancellations, changing teachers, books and supplies etc. Specifically we refer you to the “What We Expect from You” and “Our Commitment to Child Safety” sections which indicate what we require you to do in order for us to protect your child. By completing the Enrolment Agreement above and clicking 'I Agree', you agree to the terms contained below. Even if you have not signed this agreement, we will assume that you have agreed to the terms and conditions contained in this document if the student participates in any activities with Play Music or their teachers.
Our teachers will attend your home to conduct weekly lessons of a 30, 45 or 60 minute duration.
Lessons will be charged starting from the following rates, effective as of
January 2025:
30–minute lesson: from $53
45–minute lesson: from $80
60–minute lesson: from $106
Rates are subject to increases from time to time, however we will do our best to give you sufficient notice of price increases.
All enrolments are billed on a term–by–term basis, which run parallel to the public schools dates. Mid–term enrolments are billed for the remaining weeks in the term.
All invoices are sent via email at the beginning of each term for the total term fees, and payment is due within 14 days. Invoices can be paid via direct bank deposit. Payments cannot be refunded once a student has commenced their enrolment.
Accounts overdue by more than 1 week attract a $20 late fee, and continuation of lessons may be deferred until the account is paid in full. We will do our best to send you reminders via email to avoid this occurring. No make up lessons will be provided for lessons missed as a result of unpaid accounts. In the event of unpaid accounts, you accept liability for all recovery costs associated with Play Music accounts.
Public Holidays
Lessons falling on public holidays will go ahead as normal, unless an alternative time is mutually arranged between teacher and student.
Cancellation Policy
Once the term has commenced, the student is secured in their weekly time slot for the full duration of the school term. It is important to understand that our teachers conduct music lessons for a living, and missed lessons have a real impact on their income and livelihood. Because your time slot is dedicated to you, it is not possible to place another student within that slot temporarily or at short notice if you decide to cancel a lesson.
No refunds are given for lessons missed by the student. In the case of cancellation due to illness or emergency, we will do our best to find a mutually convenient time for a make up lesson within the same term. However, this cannot be guaranteed and is dependent on the teacher’s availability.
If a student is not at home on the scheduled lesson day and time, or has a conflict with another commitment, the lesson will be forfeited. Should the student be late for a lesson, it must still end at the scheduled time.
In the unlikely event that a teacher cannot attend a lesson, your teacher will organise an alternative time with you within the same term for a make up lesson. Make up lessons cannot be rescheduled and do not roll over into the next term.
Changing Teacher or Discontinuing Lessons
If at any time you are unhappy with your teacher, please contact us to discuss your concerns. We will make arrangements for you to be placed with a new teacher, as soon as possible. This is usually at the beginning of the next term but may be sooner depending on circumstances.
If you wish to discontinue lessons for any reason, please let us know prior to a new term commencing. Once an invoice for a term has been issued, refunds are not given for any lessons forfeited due to discontinuation. All unpaid accounts will be liable to be paid by you within 2 weeks of discontinuation, including lesson fees, exam fees, book fees (issued by us or the teacher), diary fees, late fees and other amounts associated with your lessons.
Postponing of Lessons
Students absent for more than 4 weeks of the term cannot be guaranteed a spot with their regular teacher. However we would be happy to place you with a new teacher on your return, or put you on a waiting list should your desired teacher have a spot become available. Refunds and credits on unused lessons are not available.
Referrals and Community
Our teachers form part of the greater Play Music community, and as a student learning with us, you do too! We welcome referrals and ask our teachers to support each other by passing on referrals to us so that we may continue to offer great value, create new teaching and learning resources and exciting opportunities for our teachers and students.
We all benefit from creating and being a part of such a musical community, on a number of levels:
• We promote a safe environment for our children’s musical development
• Lesson fees are able to be kept at a competitive rate, because our teachers' schedules and advertising for students are externally managed
• Opportunities are created for students to perform and showcase their talents at concerts and workshops
• Students have a variety of teachers to choose from and can be recommended someone who will be just right for their needs
In keeping with this sense of community, our teachers have agreed that they will not seek independent terms with you or students referred through our network. We request that you support us in this too.
What We Expect From You
We expect you to:
• Practise regularly and be prepared for lessons
• Respect your teacher and fulfil their instructions regarding learning and practicing
• Pay your bills on time, and if you need an extension speak with us as soon as possible
• Advise your teacher of any upcoming conflicts regarding your scheduled lesson time
• Avoid cancellations, as we don’t offer refunds for cancelled lessons
• Keep your instrument tuned and placed in a quiet, pleasant part of the house
Parents (for students under 18 years old)
We require you to:
• Refer to the above student expectations
• Support your child’s learning and practice in whatever way you can! Your personal involvement is the greatest gift you can offer your child to help them progress
• Ensure a regular practice routine is encouraged and maintained
• Ensure there is always a responsible adult in the house during lessons
• Ensure your child is rested, fed and prepared for the lesson each week
Teacher Responsibilities
In turn, we expect our teachers to:
• Be committed, on time and prepared for lessons
• Dress appropriately
• Be respectful to all family members
• Discuss the progress of the student on a regular basis
• Prepare students properly for exams
• Use their skills to the best benefit of the students and ensure a tailored program for each student.
Our Commitment To Child Safety
We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people who are taught by our teachers. Our Duty of Care policy outlines the respective responsibilities of Play Music, our teachers, parents and students which, if diligently fulfilled, will ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to protect the welfare of our students.
Discharging Our Duty of Care:
• We personally interview and vet our teachers.
• All teachers hold a current Working With Children Check.
• Teachers undergo training with us to ensure quality musical instruction, consistent with our philosophy.
• We ensure our teachers have agreed to our Child Protection Policy. This includes: not holding lessons without a responsible adult in the house at all times, ensuring language is appropriate and non–derogatory, and avoiding unnecessary physical contact.
Responsibilities of Parents to Ensure the Safety of their Child:
Ensure that a parent or responsible adult is present at all lessons if the student is a minor. Your teacher cannot take responsibility for supervising minors, even for a short time. Play Music will not be held responsible for any injury or other damage that may occur if lessons are unsupervised.
It is important to understand that some physical contact may be required during lessons, such as to show hand positions, when playing a duet etc. If you are uncomfortable with this, please address it with us or your teacher on arrival to the first lesson, or contact us at any time.
These measures are to safeguard the reputation and integrity of both teachers and students alike. By avoiding potentially compromising situations teachers can continue to provide professional music lessons to students. While we take all reasonable care to ensure our teachers hold the same high values as Play Music, we cannot provide guarantees regarding their character or behaviour. We recommend you make whatever checks you deem necessary to ensure the suitability of your teacher to your/your child’s needs.
Complaints Resolution Procedure
It’s important to us that any issues are resolved properly and quickly. We strive to deliver excellent customer service, and approach all our relationships as long–term partnerships. We will make every reasonable effort to resolve issues fairly and quickly. We ask that you communicate openly and freely with us about any matter that may concern you, to ensure we can always come to a mutually satisfying
Should lessons be unable to be held face to face due to COVID-19, lessons will continue to take place at the weekly timeslot using Zoom or a similar video conferencing platform. There will be no refunds or credits offered.
Release, Indemnity and Discharge
I acknowledge and agree to the above Student Terms & Conditions and the following Release & Indemnity for myself and for and on behalf of my child who is under 18 years of age. I consent to my/my child’s participation in music lessons and other events arranged by Play Music, and agree to fulfil the responsibilities outlined for parents in the above Terms and Conditions to promote the safety and wellbeing of myself/my child.
I hereby agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless Play Music, its teachers, heirs, personal representatives, consultants, employees and assigns from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury, (personal, financial, emotional, psychological or otherwise), in connection with my/my child’s participation in music lessons, concerts or other events arranged by Play Music from time to time.
the main points
Lesson Books and Supplies
We provide a yearly practice diary and rewards system for every student at the commencement of their enrolment each year. An $18 charge for the diary will be included on your first invoice for the year. The diary will be used in every lesson and forms the foundation of the students’ progress exercises.
Students may also be required to purchase sheet music and books from time to time throughout the year. Either you or your teacher may purchase these, based on the teacher’s recommendations. If the teacher has purchased the book for you, you may repay them personally, or we will add the charge to your next bill.
The greatest contributor to the musical success of any student is practise. Ability on the piano is not hardwired into the student’s DNA; it is an accumulation of time and effective practice.
A parent’s involvement is critical to their child’s progress. We ask you to take an active role in supporting and supervising your child’s practice. You’ll be surprised what you pick up from it too! In the end, this commitment will be the key factor in your child’s musical development. Your involvement will make practice a positive experience for the child, and help them develop beneficial study habits.
Your teacher and practice diary provide lots of inspirational ideas to help the student with their practice. As a parent, you complete the strategy by being there to encourage the practice on a daily basis. We recommend 15–30 minutes per day, at a time that they feel rested and are free from other distractions.
Media Release
We love sharing our students’ achievements on our website and our Facebook page, and we’d love to include your successes here too. From time to time, we may select a photo or video of you to be posted on our social media. However, you are under no obligation to agree to this, and we will never post a picture or video recording of you without your prior express permission.
Please let us know if you do not wish for us to take video or photo footage of the student.
Piano Care and Environment
A well–maintained instrument heightens and inspires the learning experience. Pianos should be tuned by a professional once a year. An out of tune instrument can detract heavily from the playing experience and your teacher’s ability to instruct you properly.
We also recommend that the lessons take place in a pleasant, quiet part of the house, away from other distractions. It’s hard to concentrate when there is a lot going on in the surrounding environment, so it’s important to ensure that the lessons and practice sessions aren’t disturbed by pets, media or other children.
All enrolments are booked on a term-by-term basis. Your enrolment will continue to roll over automatically each term until you tell us otherwise.
Brand new students enrolling mid-term are just billed for the remaining weeks in the term.
Lessons are billed in advance at the beginning of each term, payment due within 14 days. All invoices are sent via email and can be paid via direct deposit. Payments cannot be refunded once the term has begun.
Trial Lessons
We value a great teacher/student match and see it as a key to success for all students.
While we don't offer free trial lessons, we do encourage you to try a teacher out for a good match before committing to the term with them!
If you don't click with them after the first lesson, you'll only pay for the lesson you had, and we can try out another teacher if there's one available.
It's best to avoid cancellations, as we don't offer refunds. We'll do our best to find a mutually convenient time for a make-up lesson, teacher's availability allowing. If a suitable time can't be found, then the lesson will be forfeited.
In the event that your teacher can't attend a lesson we'll organise a make-up lesson, or offer a hassle-free credit if this isn't possible.
We encourage a spirit of goodwill while still respecting and safeguarding our teachers' incomes.